
Baldi's basic nightmare
Baldi's basic nightmare


Here, you can go through the right and left hall.

  • 2D Nightmare Playtime: She can appear in the screen, and you can't move if she's there, so you have to press E to make the scissors appear and cut her rope to make her leave.
  • 2D Nightmare Principal: You have to put your mouse in his meter, but if goes down, he will carry you to detention for 15 seconds.
  • Nightmare First Prize: He can appears from nowhere, and if he does, press Q to make the Safety Sissors, and drag it to him to make him go.
  • Nightmare Sweep: He doesn't do anything, only to sweep the office, and he can make left some characters.
  • Nightmare Baldi: If he appears in the front hall, you have to play a sound, if he's in the left hall, you have to get out of there, and if he appears in the right hall, you just have to press "L".
  • baldi

    You can use the A and S buttons to move through the office. In this place, you have to survive 300 seconds, avoiding Baldi's gang. You're trapped in a Nightmare dimension, and you have to survive Baldi's gang in a nightmare state during 3 nights.


    2.3 Humans (Non-animatronic Characters).

    Baldi's basic nightmare