Note: Some anti virus/spyware programs may not be disabled using the steps listed above. To reverse this after the fix has been applied, go back into MSCONFIG and select the processes you want running or click Enable All and restart. Click the Apply button, then click the OK button.Go to Start and type "msconfig" (without quotes) into the Start Search field and press the "Enter" key.This will disable any unnecessary background or system tray applications from loading. The safest way to do this is to disable your startup applications using MSCONFIG. We have noticed this happening more frequently with MacAfee in our software, but some updates from anti-virus programs can accidentally block installations of any program. Important: close any Roxio and temporarily turn off any anti-virus applications currently running.We have created a file that will help resolve this issue. The certificate file is missing or corrupted. "The certificate file is missing or has been corrupted.

When trying to start applications in Creator 2010 or 2011, the following error message appears: Do I do all of these steps BEFORE I even insert the software cd, or after I install it but before I run it? I actually saw this same response on someone else's post and I tried it and it didn't work either. When you get to step # 2 (Download the appropriate file for your version of Creator) use Creator 2010 download. I believe I have the newest version, Build 201B23A Can you please help me figure out how to get this software installed? I'm ready to return it now and demand a refund, but I'll give it ONE last attempt before I do that. I'm not very savvy with computers so I've been trying different solutions I've read in other forums for this product. I've downloaded the driver from the Roxio website, and now I'm out of ideas. I've attempted installing it about 8 or 9 times, and each time installation is complete and the computer has restarted, I've tried opening the program and it says there is an error with the certificate file, etc. It has plenty of space and all the right programs, but I think the issue is with the Roxio software. I absolutely can NOT install the Roxio Easy Vhs to Dvd software to my fairly new hp laptop.