Anyway I hope this is taken as constructive criticism as I’m only saying what I see from what I just read, and if you want something more up to date then you should check out the handheld PC scene which has really fired up. At least set one of your desktops to the more modern versions of software so that you’re up to date on an everyday regular user basis at least, otherwise you will become another dinosaur offering pointless outdated advice which can all honestly be done for free without the paid option. tomsguide used to be the goto place for cutting edge hardware (and software) news but I feel like I fell into a dusty old book containing knowledge that may have been interesting and relevant once a long time ago but is of little to no importance today. When the cache file malfunctions, Windows cannot fetch the icons properly, so blank or missing icons are displayed. Of course that doesn't work either because it has this faux path of a URL that somehow associates itself with Steam.Sorry but I’m wondering why you have not upgraded to Windows 11 yet? I should think as someone writing technological posts that you should at least acknowledge and recognise that most users will pretty much use what is on their machine as standard and currently that is the most up to date software out there, Windows 11. So I figured I'd create the desktop shortcut and then try to point the Rocket Dock icon's path to it. So in order to launch the game without receiving the error I have to either launch it directly from the Steam library window or create a shortcut to the game FROM the library command. Obviously this means I can't play on any Valve matchmaking server and a good majority of all community ones. Create a folder somewhere else, then right-click and drag the desktop icons to that folder and choose Move. I looked into a bit and realized I would get the same error if I just started the game from its respective folder sure enough I do. I get this error whenever I launch the game from Rocket Dock. However I'm running into a problem I haven't found a good solution to: Not great, but better than opening the library all the time. WORKAROUND: 1) Go to Installationdrive \ Steamfolder \ steamapps \ common \ Gameyouwant 2) Locate the Game.exe (searching for '.exe' can help) and create a manual shortcut.

I installed Rainmeter since I've used it for years, but wanted to try it side by side with Rocket Dock for a really clean looking desktop. I haven't tried a rollback or to uninstall the update, but here's a temporal. I recently installed a fresh copy of W7 on my new SSD and I wanted liven up the desktop with some customization.